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What is the Difference between Anger and Contempt?

How can a Life Coach help deal with Anger & Contempt?

Among the numerous negative emotions we humans possess, anger and contempt are the most frequent, causing tremendous distress to ourselves and those around us.

You will undoubtedly agree that these emotions rarely result in anything beneficial. These negative emotions cause harm and ruin relationships, its where one-on-one coaching helps as we can help get personal with challenges you’ve faced

The Differences:

Anger is an appraisal of someone’s behavior, whereas contempt is an evaluation of someone’s worth. As a result, if someone prevents you from achieving your goal in any particular scenario, you may feel enraged at them. However, if you harbor ill will toward another person – you may regard them as “less than,” or they may hold values that differ from yours – you may have contempt for them.

Thus, anger is more impersonal, whereas contempt is far more intimate. However, the distinction between these two emotions can rapidly become blurred. For example, if someone’s behaviors and habits form the basis for your negative judgment of them, your wrath might grow to disdain.

Contempt is the least investigated of the seven universal emotions. It is the sensation of hatred for and moral superiority over another person, group of people, or their behavior. Many emotion specialists agree that it is a universal feeling, yet, some feelings scientists still do not recognize disdain as a distinct emotion.

It is necessary to recognize that contempt is related to, but separate from, disgust. While humans and their actions can provoke both disdain and disgust, products that are unpleasant to the senses can also elicit disgust (taste, smell, sight, sound, touch). Furthermore, scorn implies superiority over the target of scorn, yet not everyone feels superior to the person or thing that disgusts them.

Destroys your Productivity:

People from many areas of life may have unpleasant thoughts at times. It is acceptable to have these ideas from time to time; nevertheless, when their frequency becomes overwhelming, you must take action to ensure that they do not permanently impact your job and life.

You become more productive psychologically when you shift your emphasis away from the bad parts of your life. Anger and contempt may be harmful to your productivity as well as your overall happiness.

How Life Coaching will Help deal with It:

Anger is the outcome of having expectations, frequently false expectations. As a result, anger is generated in a person when a circumstance or persona does not occur or behave as planned in one’s thoughts.

Deep down, contempt arises from a sense of being undervalued and unrecognized in the relationship. It can be expressed verbally or nonverbally, including sarcasm, ridicule, and facial gestures.

You should find time to analyze the reasons that generate these negative feelings.

Life coaching provides various tools and approaches for overcoming negative emotions that undermine your behavior and self-esteem.

It can be challenging to be engaged in all parts of your life, personally and professionally, avoiding destructive and toxic behavior. Thus, many individuals are so focused on their day-to-day routines and duties that they ignore symptoms of stress that might harm their work and family. Furthermore, this might lead to them acquiring very negative ideas.

To combat negative thought patterns, a life coach will urge clients to become more conscious of their thoughts and behaviors. Once you’ve identified the saboteurs in your life, you may devise a strategy for positive growth and eliminate negative thought patterns.

Be Conscious of your thoughts, Self-talk, and Mindset:

Make a conscious effort to become aware of your current self-talk, thoughts, and mindset. It takes some practice, but once you become more aware of your thoughts, you will soon see yourself through different eyes. It leads to better self-understanding. Your confidence in future decisions will develop, and you will be more empowered to act and achieve more. You will get control over anger and contempt that harms your peace.

Pattern Recognition, Self-Sabotaging, Limiting Beliefs, and Your Inner Critic:

A life coach can assist you in exploring prevailing ideas, identifying the inner critic, and self-sabotaging behavior with your objectives, difficulties, and desired results. Are your beliefs objectively accurate or merely your perception of reality? You will also notice that your ideas are frequently unreasonable and unhelpful.

Control your thoughts, Master your Mind, and Master your Self-talk:

It is all about pushing yourself, overcoming obstacles, and replacing negative self-talk with positive self-talk that serves your goals better.

Your attitude is shaped by the events you’ve had in our previous years. It is challenging to change your existing (bad) ideas, regulate your thoughts, and govern your mind. It will require time and effort.

Increase your awareness and use positive self-talk in your daily life. You can learn the art of controlling these negative emotions under life coaching. It will lead you to various patterns that support your new belief. It is a continuous process, not a one-time occurrence.


Life coaching is an enriching journey that will improve your life.

Once you’ve let go of your anger and disdain for the past, you may develop skills for comprehending and coping with future events. Don’t allow negative emotions to take over and ruin your life. Helping with negative emotions can help you regain control of your life. Take command of your feelings and control how you react and feel.

Consider how much better and calmer you’d feel and maybe talking to us at Do With Coach can help.


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