Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 10:00am - 8:00pm

What is the Difference between Anger and Contempt?

Among the numerous negative emotions we humans possess, anger and contempt are the most frequent, causing tremendous distress to ourselves and those around us.

You will undoubtedly agree that these emotions rarely result in anything beneficial. These negative emotions cause harm and ruin relationships, its where one-on-one coaching helps as we can help get personal with challenges you’ve faced

How Can Life Coaching Help YOU with Anger Management?

Anger is a natural emotion that may be brought on by both internal and external circumstances. Events from your past that are still emotionally impacting you are examples of internal forces. External factors might include having a bad day at work or experiencing road rage. People might become furious due to stress.

Never being upset or keeping your rage within without unleashing it are not requirements of anger management. Being angry is a bad feeling that can seriously harm our health. Anger may lead to cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.

Can NLP Help Depression

According to American Psychiatric Association, Depression is a severe medical illness that negatively affects how you sense and feel, the way you think and how you act in a certain situation. Happily, it is also curable. Depression causes feelings of sorrow and unhappiness and/or a loss of concentration in activities you once relished. It can lead to multiple other challenges and reduce your ability to function at your best.